What! - No waiting list to get IN to Cuba?
Here is my reply to the two murderer-worshippers posted below.
I don't expect the editor will publish it though.
Che Guevara’s diaries were published by the propoganda bureau of a communist regime, with the foreword written by Fidel Castro, and the mainstream media take them at face value.
Wake up people, the PROPOGANDA BUREAU! - Do you think THEY are going to tell the truth about Che's murderous activities?
These Havana editions of his diaries are treasured like the “dead sea scrolls and believed like the gospel!
Testimony from people who escaped this so-called free country are free now to tell the truth without fear of Castros torture chambers and firing squads can be read in a book called “Exposing the Real Che Guevara” by Cuban Huberto Fontova.
Che lived in a pristine beachfront mansion in Tarara, amongst the most luxurious in Havana, which was confiscated (what! - do you think he PAID for it?) from a succesful Cuban Builder.
In 1961, 300,000 Cubans of a population of 6.4 million were in jail (are you telling me these were all traitors and spies Mr Oldham?)
In proportional terms Che and Fidel were outdoing the Hitler regime.
By 1966, some 7,876 men and boys were executed by these freedom-fighting firing squads (of a population of 6.4 million, and a total of 14,000 murdered by 1970.) - that is not bad going for a humanitarian freedom-fighter now is it? - He set the FREE alright!
Five years into the Che regime, half-a-million had fled Cuba - In an unhindered FREE environment, this would have emptied Cuba in a fortnight!
The Cuban Archive Project document 77,833 desperate souls who died at sea in their desperation to escape Mr Guevaras version of freedom.
If this is what you call freedom Mr Artus and Mr Olham, you can keep it.
Let me try to explain it as SIMPLY as I can so that those who have missed the facts, and have just been looking at the picture of the handsome man may understand.
People do not risk their lives families and worldly posessions to escape free countries - they simply purchase an airline ticket! They risk everything to escape oppression and communism! People are not FORCED to stay in Free countries - however they were denied the freedom to leave countries like Russia and Cuba and China!
This is not Freedom, it is totalitarian oppression!
People were jailed because they disagreed with Che and Fidels version of freedom, which was communism, which of course is NOT freedom at all.
Che and Fidel simply wanted the freedom to FORCE the peopleof Cubab to live how they wanted them to live. If you didn't comply, or spoke out against this oppression, you were thrown in jail or a work camp, and more likely than not, eventually murdered.
A murderer is not a hero