The Right Note: 1 — Music in the Key Of Life

Welcome to this, the very first “Right Note” column by me, Graham Clark.
As many of you may be aware, I have been a prolific letter writer to the BOP Times for several years now, and on the topics of my choice I am able to write confidently, backed up by facts, principles, and a basic philosophy that I can apply to any issue, and come to a consistent conclusion, but when the editor invited me to write a weekly column on the local music scene, I was petrified!
You see, ones taste in music is highly subjective - that is, it is based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions, which is the exact opposite to my normal writing style, and consequently a great deal more challenging.
I have been chastised on more than one occasion by several individuals whom I hold in high regard for not applying the philosophy by which I live my life, to the music I listen to, but my reason for not doing so is that I became heavily influenced by popular music from an early age and believe that the music you listen to is the soundtrack of your life, and my soundtrack had been on the turntable for a good 40 years before I discovered philosophy!
It was at this point I began searching for an interesting angle or point of view from which to approach the topic, and that is when I started to reminisc on my many years experience in the local music scene.
During my years playing music around the country, it has come to my attention that musicians from the Tauranga area are very highly respected, and when I look back at some of the players I have had the pleasure of working with, it comes as no surprise.
I turned up on the local music scene in the early 1980’s. I have played in many bands, regularly gigging 2-3 nights a week at times. I have been responsible for booking venues, gigs, tours, support acts, and had dealings with managers, promoters, bar owners, and barmaids(!) of every description.
So, I thought this column would be a great opportunity to share an insight into the local music scene - past and present - by introducing you to some of the individuals, bands, venues, and colourful characters that I have crossed paths with on my ride on the local music scene roundabout.
This content of this column is not based upon anything other than the opinions, individual taste and personal experiences of one person, and next week it will be the same - only different!
Johnny got his temper,
When the doctor slapped his ass.
A minor misdemeanour,
That was always gonna last
He cried for the future,
but now he laughs at the past
Johnny Grew Up . .
Johnny Grew Up
John Michaels & Anton (Tippi) Elkington
Hard To Handle - The end of the beginning
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