Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Truth About Money

I have posted this before, but thought I would post it AGAIN because it is so SIMPLE, yet so TRUE!

If only they would teach stuff like THIS at school!
This, writen by economist Milton Freidman

The four ways money is spent:

When you spend your money on yourself, you're keen to get the thing you want most at the best price. Think middle-aged men haggling with a Porsche dealer.

When you spend your money on other people, you still want a bargain but you're less interested in pleasing the recipients of your spending. That's why children get underwear at Christmas.

When you spend other people's money on yourself, you get what you want but price concerns go out the window. O'Rourke points to second wives, riding around with the middle-aged men in the Porsches, who shop at Neiman Marcus (think girl heaven) as this type of spender.

When you spend other people's money on other people you don't give a damn.
That would be government.

So don't blame politicians for your tax bills. If you want lower taxes, you need to wean yourselves off government services and the belief that the answer to every problem is that the government ought to "do something". It's not just a case of governments doing more with less. It's about governments doing less with less.
When that realisation dawns, you may discover that most things the government can do, you can do better and a whole lot cheaper.


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