Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Yummy Mummy - yes please

There has been a lot of talk lately on the title "Yummy Mummy", and I can't help thinking it comes from the likes of those who have no chance of ever achieving the title - people the likes of Sue Bradford, and our beloved leader!
The Bay of Plenty Times today had an article on the subject, so I thought I would make my opinions known with the following letter to the editor. I am all for the achievement of excellence be it in sport, academics, music, art or whatever. With todays climate of celebrating mediocrity I find the Yummy Mummy title one worthy of achieving, and to all those women who deem themselves worthy of the title I say "go girl!" Would those who disagree prefer slogans like "mediocre Mummy", or "Slobby Mummy" instead? Yummy Mummys rule, and all power to them. This is all just another case of pathetic political correctness by those afraid of hurting the feelings of those unable or unwilling to make an effort to achieve the title. Don't forget, beauty is in the eye of the beerholder!


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